How to lose weight > 공지사항

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How to lose weight

페이지 정보

작성자 XRumer23Wholf
댓글 0건 조회 8회 작성일 24-05-24 15:23


?The little girl, missing her two front teeth, was very happy about this and began to carefully examine the package, tracing the inscriptions with her little finger:
— Maybe enough with the chips? Let’s go check out something normal? Vegetables, fruits…
The man did not expect such words at all from his wife Tanya. In their family, the body constitution was quite different from the standard and generally accepted — having pre-obesity was the absolute norm. Their diet was far from “right”, chips and candies replaced the trendy celery juice and steamed fish. The family only saw sports on TV:
— What? You… You’re going to start dieting? Where’s my Tanyushka — the glutton? Who offended you like that?!
— No, no… I just feel like we need to change something. Otherwise, we won’t be able to walk, we’ll just eat, lie down, and not even breathe!


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